viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008

The Day After Tomorrow (expanded)

Many people wanted and expanded or complete release of this film score composed by german Harald Kloser, in my modest opinion I think this was an excellent (and wasted) chance to write music in large scale and epical, but I only like the main theme. Anyway, enjoy it!

18 comentarios:

sorei dijo...

thanks, a wonderful share!!

best wishes

Ck dijo...

man many thanks from Brazil!! i really enjoy the movie and the score...and now..expanded!! great work! Gracias!

i have a blog with soundtracks if you want to visit heres is the link

Thomas dijo...


Many thanks for all your upload. Considering that you post many South american scores, I was wondering wether there could be any chance you owned Andres Goldstein and Daniel Tarrab 's XXY...

Thanks for your answer.


Wild dijo...

Hi, could you reupload "To Walk With Lions", please !

Anónimo dijo...

Could you please reupload the 'Kung Fu' soundtrack .. it is currently unavailable on'Filesend' .. thanks in anticipation.

Anónimo dijo...

Hey Peti :)

Do you by chance chance the complete score of The Fifth Element?


liamke dijo...

Hi Petit,

Everything alright there,it's a long time that we heard something from you....


Magnus dijo...


This score is absolutely amazing!!!!

Thanks a lot!


tony dijo...

Here is wishing you the a Merry one and hope all is well for you my friend :)

Anónimo dijo...


I don't suppose you could send me a link to the jesus of Nazareth full 22 track score

you can mail me at

obviously the filesend doesn't work anymore

riddim1903 dijo...

Dear Peti,

It's been five months... Are you O.K.? I hope that you are..

tony dijo...

Yes! Please let us know you are doing okay. WE are very concerned my friend.

Cali dijo...

As the others said already. A sign of life from your side would be good. It's just such a small world anyways.

All the best to you whatever you're doing.

Anónimo dijo...

jajaja me encanto la imagen del principio XD

SCOREMIX dijo...

Hi Fellows,

I think this blog is dead. Since more than a year there is no activity in form of new posts. I think Peti has more in real life to do as to be occupied and keeping alive this really magnificent blog. Its really sad that this blog is dead but nevermind.

SCOREMIX dijo...

More than 3 years passed and nothing new on this blog. it really has died and peti is away forever........not even a small life sign of him........this blog and peti are history

SCOREMIX dijo...

More than 3 years passed and nothing new on this blog. it really has died and peti is away forever........not even a small life sign of him........this blog and peti are history

SCOREMIX dijo...

Please shut down this blog as there is no more activity and all download links are completly dead.....this blog is only wasting internet space and should be completley deleted as it is dead......since more than 4 years no new activities.....Music by Peti is history