martes, 28 de agosto de 2007


Another war film, this time for this 1998 Dennis Quaid movie about a mercenary soldier in the Bosnian fighting. David Robbins supplied the gentle orchestral music with some vocals, a couple action themes also. Great work and of course still unreleased.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hellooo¡ You have a great blog¡¡¡
Great unreleased cds¡¡ Great site¡¡
Can you post more rare compilations like Joel Goldsmith or Jonh Scott compilations?

Can you post the main title (the extended, from the second season) of the "Flamingo Road" tv series?( by Gerald Fried)

Thanks, friend¡¡

soundtrackList dijo...

Hey alex, thanks for your message!

I'll try to find more Goldsmith and Scott stuff for the blog, and also the theme by Fried!!


Anónimo dijo...

And also, rare compilations or difficult to find compilations from different composers, if you have more.

Thankssss, peti

I think the theme from "Flamingo Road" tv series only can be get by the dvd (if it is in dvd) or the tv tapes. Thanks¡


Anónimo dijo...

Étnico dramático y melancólico. Una fórmula que funciona muy bien.
Otro buen aporte de Peti. Gracias!

Anónimo dijo...

Peti este soundtrack de Savior es Imposible de encontrar en ningun lugar definitivamente una pelicula que impacto mucho en mi vida y podria decir que la mejor que he visto que complemento bastante con esta obra maestra imposible de encontrar, Muchisimas gracias por compartirla esta pieza de lujo Gracias!