viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007

Peaceful Warrior

Director Victor Salva (Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2) again called film composer Bennet Salvay to score this sport-related movie, unfortunately the official release only includes songs but here you can get the original score.

8 comentarios:

tony dijo...

THANK YOU so much my friend!!
I've been anxious to hear this score apart from the film, and I'm so thrilled you have posted it.

Thanks again :)

Anónimo dijo...

Brilliant. Thanks for this.

Magnus dijo...

Thanks for this great music, Peti!


soundtrackList dijo...

Thanks to all you for the nice comments, I'll try to help all people with more rare scores.

Téllezg dijo...

en verdad muchisiiimas gracias por todos estos SCORE's, yo tengo 200 cd pero con tu pakina me di cuenta ke toy bien corto jajaaj
es el mejor blog en cuanto a OST ke he visto brother tks
slds from Mexico City Chiapas

Anónimo dijo...

Does anyone know which score is playing when Dan Millman falls from the table in the gas station, while Socrates is cleaning a car windshield? PLease help i am desesperate. Thank you in advance

Acaso alguien sabe que musica se escucha cuando Dan Millman se cae de la mesa en la estacion de servicio, mientras que Socrates limpia el parabrisa de un auto? Por favor ayuda que estoy desesperado. Muchas Gracias

Anónimo dijo...

Hi, is it possible that your upload was erased somehow?
I've tried the link several times, but when I click the download button, it keeps giving an error :(
I'm desperatly looking for the original soundtrack, the one you uploaded, but can't find it anywhere else. Could you please re-upload it and send me the link?
I would most appreciate it!


Daniel dijo...

You're the hero of the day, my friend! Thanks for this! :)